Are your answers "yes" to the following ???'s
Are you "all over the place?"
Perplexed at how you keep repeating the same pattern and never getting the results you want no matter how carefully you plan for success?
Do you abandon projects to jump into "the next greatest thing?"
Are your finances a hot mess?
Are you ashamed of your life's choices?
Are you annoyed with the outrageous behavior of other people?
Are you self-conscious and uncomfortable around powerful women or men?
Are you uncertain of your ability to make good decisions, needing to "verify" yourself with others' opinions?
Do you hoard your money, afraid to "spend" it because there'll be no more?
Do you live in the busyness of negative self-talk?
Are you tired of doing, doing, doing but can't stop yourself for fear you'll fail?
Is your sex life non-existent?
Do you hide from mirrors and feel sad and defeated seeing yourself naked?
Are you clueless about your life's purpose?
Are your familial relationships strained and turbulent?
Are you lost in a fog?
Do you wish it could be better, but you just don't know how to make that happen?
It's not your fault that you don't know more. It's not your fault that you've lost your ability to live from your clarity and power.
Long gone are the days of the wise Mother elders teaching us the womanly arts of the Divine Feminine, of how a woman can hold her power and direct her energy to fruitful soul satisfaction, how a woman can command her life through her feminine vibration, how to connect with and live powerfully from the Spirit of Life. You and every other modern woman has lost at least some, if not all, of her self-soul connection, her body-sexuality connection, her intuitive-guidance connection and sadly, her self-worth connection. Scattered, small energy depletes a woman's essence.
There is a way to reconnect and redirect.
Step into The Power of Your Regal Womanhood...
This exclusive 90-day program begins with a bang! Enliven your dreams and quicken your feminine power with an interactive
12-hour live group intensive at the posh Loew's Santa Monica Beach Hotel. Be 1 of 12 women to receive my live spiritual coaching and clarify your personalized 90-day program into becoming the Regal Woman you know you were meant to be. Whatever stuckness, smallness, uncertainty and life questions you arrive with, you'll leave this dynamic program with insight, clarity, and empowered direction, for sure. You can't play big if you don't know who you really are. Everything about you, shows up in everything you do, say and create. So whether you just need a tweak or are need of a major overhaul, this program will help you breakthrough to your greater yet to be. Believe me, there's a BIG Gift within you, waiting to be opened, explored and shared with our world.
YOU are the answer you've been looking for! Every answer is inside you... But you must choose to hear the voice of your Soul
Your Choice Is Your Greatest Power!
Choose TODAY to end your struggle with smallness and secret shame.
Choose TODAY to end your struggle with smallness and secret shame.
Join me and get for yourself the personal coaching you need
to Provoke YOUR Power and change the way you show up for yourself and in the world!
to Provoke YOUR Power and change the way you show up for yourself and in the world!